приемная комиссия (383) 378 88 02, тел/факс (383) 378 88 02,
приемная директора (383) 378 88 02, e-mail: ngk@edu54.ru
630048, г. Новосибирск, ул. Немировича-Данченко, 119
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Modafinil Australia | Generic Meds Australia
Modafinil Australia is used off-label to treat a number of conditions. It is commonly used to treat excessive sleepiness caused by narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, and obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS; a condition in which a person stops breathing during sleep). It can also be given along with other treatments for OSAHS including breathing devices or surgery. It is also used to help with depression, multiple sclerosis, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

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