приемная комиссия (383) 378 88 02, тел/факс (383) 378 88 02,
приемная директора (383) 378 88 02, e-mail: ngk@edu54.ru
630048, г. Новосибирск, ул. Немировича-Данченко, 119
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Navigating the Literary Landscape: Book Publishing Companies, Book publishing companies serve as the gatekeepers and facilitators of the literary world, playing a pivotal role in bringing authors' works to the public eye.

Book publishing companies serve as the gatekeepers and facilitators of the literary world, playing a pivotal role in bringing authors' works to the public eye. These companies encompass a diverse array of entities, from traditional publishing houses to independent presses, each with its own unique focus and approach. With a keen eye for talent and market trends, Book Publishing Companies scout, acquire, and nurture literary works, guiding them through the publishing process from manuscript to bookstore shelves. Their expertise in editing, design, distribution, and marketing ensures that books reach their intended audience and make a meaningful impact in the literary landscape.

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